7 Crucial Tactics for Writing a Wildly Successful Guest Post
We all know that guest posts grow blogs . But not many people realize that tactical guest posting grows careers . Most bloggers I see pump out these articles while reciting the mantra “quantity over quality”; there’s no real strategy and there are no real long-term benefits. In this post I am going to show you the seven crucial tactics for writing a radically successful guest post. Done right, these strategies will get you more email subscribers , coveted Google ranking positions, and a big head-start on your content marketing goals. Who am I to teach you about guest blogging? It seems like the decent thing would be to start this article by flashing my “guest blogging badge.” At least that way you’ll understand why I’m wearing these high-glare aviators. For me, the proof was in the pudding, and the pudding was the sale of an 8-month-old blog for almost $20,000 while I was still in University. Actually, I sold the bl...