10 Tips for Writing a Guest Post
Have you been asked to write a guest post for a website? Congrats! It’s a great opportunity to share your knowledge, connect with a new group of readers, and build your authority. While there are people who say guest blogging is dead , it is part of your toolkit, along with social media and other tools, to introduce yourself to a new audience and share your expertise. To add some variety to what I share on this blog, I’m planning to have more guest bloggers this year. You can expect to read some different topics about websites, technology, accessibility, and usability from guest bloggers in the next few weeks. My plan is to invite friends and colleagues I know who are passionate about specific topics. I’ve already confirmed two guest bloggers (woohoo!) and I’m looking forward to receiving confirmations from others whom I’ve already invited. I put together a quick list of guidelines for my guest bloggers and thought the list might be useful to other writers who are l...